How often should I sharpen my skis or snowboard?

Sharp edges give you better grip, control and confidence on the slopes. Keep them tuned, and you’ll enjoy smoother, safer skiing all season long.

Signs your skis or snowboard need sharpening

  • Edges feel dull when you run your finger along them. (Your edges are de-tuned at the tip and tail of your skis, so check for dullness nearer the middle.)

  • Your skis or board struggle to hold on icy or hard-packed snow.

  • You feel less confident in turns or stopping power.

So how often should you sharpen your skis or board? It depends.

  • Frequent Skiers/Boarders (10+ days per season):

    • Sharpen your edges every 5-10 days on snow.

    • On icy or hard-packed conditions, sharpen more often to maintain grip.

  • Occasional Skiers/Boarders (fewer than 10 days per season):

    • Sharpen your skis at least once a season, ideally before your first trip.

    • If conditions are soft and forgiving, you may not need to sharpen as often.

  • Performance-Oriented Skiers/Boarders:

    • Sharpen before every race or outing for precise edge control.

Your edges can take a beating on just about any snow, and they develop “burrs” that make them bumpy or even a little jagged. Rust can also develop and affect the edges if you put your skis away wet, even after the best powder days. Keep an eye on your edges, and they’ll look out for you, too. Need to get ‘em sharper? Schedule a tune.


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